
Unsolved: Daniel J Andersen(4 years, male, Iowa)

    DATE MISSING: January 25, 1992. INFORMATION: Daniel was last Jan 25th at age 4 wearing blue snow pants, blue snow coat, he is a white male with brown hair, brown eyes and stood 3 feet tall. Today we are coving a lesser known cases Daniel J Andersen was a 4-year-old boy from IowaContinue reading "Unsolved: Daniel J Andersen(4 years, male, Iowa)"

McKamey Manor(extreme haunted house)

In the midst of my 10 unopened taps of unfinished blog writings, I am writing this. I first heard about McKamey Manor back in 2017. Payment to enter is one bag of dog food for donation. Through social media and word of mouth advertising it has turned it's self into somewhat of a phenomenon. ThisContinue reading "McKamey Manor(extreme haunted house)"

5 strange Craigslist posts.

5. I love that they don't even try to hide what their advertising. It's more in-detailed than a lot of other regular Craigslist posts.          4. When your a bored and lonely guy whats the best way to meet a nice girl. Tell them a little about yourself? Of course not, postContinue reading "5 strange Craigslist posts."

America’s most wanted criminals and the missing.

The cases your about to read about is simply is a wanted criminal the other is a missing person case. We've talked about this case in "Meth Crimes" but I felt this needed more information than what was given. First up Kimberly Chavez-Lopez, in 2016 she was reported missing by a social worker after severalContinue reading "America’s most wanted criminals and the missing."

Crimes committed by meth addicts.

What were talking about today is people who've committed crimes while on methamphetamine, not everyone whom is on meth commits atrocities like these. Not everyone that commits acts like these abuse drugs but in these particular cases the person or persons committing the crimes are on methamphetamine. We are not psycho analyzing them I'm noContinue reading "Crimes committed by meth addicts."

The Cannibal Cafe murder.

First and for most I first got news of the Armin Meiwes case from YouTuber Chills and this is information on the "Cannibal Killer" and my unpopular opinion on Armin Meiwes. Armin Meiwes now goes by multiple names such as the Cannibal killer. Rotenburg Cannibal. The Butcher Master. But here we'll call him Meiwes. InContinue reading "The Cannibal Cafe murder."

My CellMate was possessed.

Okay this is not a personal story since I have not been to jail but browsing the No Sleep forum on Reddit I came across this story I thought might be enjoyable. This was posted by ChikeDeluna.  I was two years into a three-year jail sentence for robbery when I was transferred to Twelve CaesarsContinue reading "My CellMate was possessed."

The Slender-man stabbings.

 Welcome, we are going to be going over a crime of attempted murder known to the internet as thy "Slender man murders". Now granted the young girl did survive the encounter which is grant and for the most part physically made a full recovery. What makes this story interesting is the two attackers motive. IContinue reading "The Slender-man stabbings."

Rockstar Energy driver scam on Craigslist.

Basic Rockstar energy scam video Okay, so a while ago I posted a very bland YouTube video showing you all the newest Craigslist ad scam, which I seem to attract in my natural habitat. I never went into detail partly because video's aren't really my thing, I'm no Jenna Marbles that can piece together excellentContinue reading "Rockstar Energy driver scam on Craigslist."

Craigslist House sitters scam.

Now if you just Google "mobilemechanic2016@outlook.com" you'll find multiple wanted ads for a House Sitter all over the country on Backpage(nothing good comes from that), Craigslist, some websites I've never even heard of, usually the post entails a vague over 18 , good with windows 8 ,10 , light pc work, over 5'9" , $800/monthContinue reading "Craigslist House sitters scam."